
2016-09-19 作者: 2072阅读

  1.永远保持spontané, 积极主动
  2. N’hésitez pas d’appeler directement.
直接打电话到公司 做follow-up求职过程中,可以直接给公司打电话,这在法国(或者说任何地方)是件很普遍的事情。很多法国同学的实习,就是直接电话到公司得来的。电话找实习会比投递求职信成功率更高。面试完后,如果在被告知的时间内没收到结果,可以直接给HR打电话询问。如果HR对你的面试存在什么疑问,你也可以趁这个机会解释或者表现自己,依然有被录用的希望。
  Bonjour, je m'appelle XXX, je suis une étudiante à XXX. Je vous contacte car j'ai postulé à une offre de stage au sein de votre entreprise il y a qql jours. Mais il n'y a pas de réponse. Est-ce que je peux parler avec http://M.XXX(RH 如果你不知道是谁,就直接找人资。同时,也要对这个职位有所了解,有时前台会帮你转接到相关部门,所以你就要知道大概是哪个部门在招人。很有可能就直接转给招人的manager)
  • Je veux savoir si vous avez bien reçu mon candidature et si cette offre est toujours disponible?
  • Quel est le processus d'embaucher pour ce stage et ça dure encore longtemps?
  • Est-ce que vous avez besoin des informations complémentaires( la copie des notes scolaires, la lettre de recommandation de mon tuteur)
  • J'aimerais connaître le nom et la fonction de la personne à qui contacter directement concernant cette offre?
  打电话也要主动,比如对方告诉你还需要一些时间,他会转告相关人士,然后你就说est-ce que je peux vous laisser mon cordonnée?主动留下联系方式,然后问est-ce que je peux rappeler plus tard la semaine prochaine?并确定再打电话咨(sao)询(rao)的可能性。
  关于投递简历后,如何follow-up,请自行搜索谷歌。各种career center或者是中介很多资料,教你怎么在投递简历后follow-up,面试后写thank you note,如何negotiate薪资待遇等等。
Emploi : l’essentiel sur la recherche d’emploi en une page
  Tips for Following-Up
  • Follow-up in a timely fashion -- usually a week to 10 days for conventional job-searching, sooner for online applications.
  • If you apply online for a position, consider following-up the online application with a cover letter and resume sent to the hiring manager via postal mail. You will stand out over the other online applicants because few will also send a hard copy.
  • Keep your follow-up brief, to the point, and professional.
  • You might also ask the hiring manager if he/she needs any further information not included in your original application.
  • If you recently completed training, received an award, or earned some other recognition that would make you an even better candidate for the position, be sure to mention it in your follow-up. update
  • Continue following-up regularly, but don't overdo it.
By Phone:
  • If you are nervous, consider developing a short script about what you want to say (such as your fit with the job, knowledge of the company, USP).
  • No matter what, you should at least make an outline or some notes of the key points you want to make.
  • Keep a copy of your resume nearby in case you need to refer to something on it.
  • Make the phone call from a place where you can talk calmly and not have distractions -- and avoid following up from your current place of employment.
  • Be prepared for a short screening phone interview by practicing answers to common interview questions.
  • End the conversation thanking the hiring manager for his/her time and asking about the hiring timetable/next steps. If you are extremely confident, you could ask when you might expect an interview.
  By E-mail:
  • Always address your email to the hiring manager. If you are having difficulty finding hiring managers, read this article: Sleuthing Out Hiring Managers Is Key to Job-Search Follow-up.
  • Keep your email short and to the point. Simply again state your interest in the job and your key qualifications for it.
  • Be sure to spell-check and proofread your e-mail before sending it.
  Because e-mail is such a one-way communication, and you don't really know if your e-mail is even being read, consider asking for a phone number so you can then follow-up by phone.
Follow Up All Job Leads: Don't Wait by the Phone
  投递简历后follow-up by email
 Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: (if you have a name, otherwise omit this line)
I submitted a resume earlier this month for the programmer position advertised in theTimes Union.
I am very interested in working at XYZ Company and I believe my skills, especially my C++ experience at ABD company, would be an ideal match for this position.
If necessary, I would be glad to resend my resume or to provide any further information you might need regarding my candidacy. I can be reached at (555) 555-5555 or jdoe@abcd.com. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your consideration.
Signature (hard copy letter)
  面试后Thank you note
 Dear Ms. XXX,
 It was very enjoyable to speak with you this morning about the XXX internship at (COMPANY). The internship seems to be an excellent match for my skills and professional project. The tasks of the xxx that you described confirmed my desire to work with you.
In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the internship my professional English writing skills, my creativity and the ability to build up cordial working relations with others.
I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I'm very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you regarding this internship.
 Dear Mr. XXX:
 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to apply for the financial analyst internship position with Merrill Lynch. I appreciate your time and consideration and I felt that I learned a lot about the company during the interview.
Although I am disappointed that I did not get the internship, I hope you will keep my materials on file for further consideration. My previous coursework and last two internships in the financial services industry make me an ideal candidate for any opportunities that become available in your department and our meeting last week only confirmed that I would be a perfect fit for the organization.
Again I’d like to thank you for your time and consideration and please keep me in mind should another position become available in the near future.

“While it pains me to see this opportunity go, I want to thank you for getting back to me. I also want to thank you for taking the time to meet with me. It was such a pleasure to meet you and ___ and learn about the organization. After spending the time talking with you and doing my research, I really do believe that the ___ industry is where I want to work. I know that I am not in a position to ask for favors, but if you have a moment to spare I would love any additional feedback. Please do not feel obligated to answer this question, but if there was something you noticed, it will help me in my job search and I would be most appreciative. I hope everything works out with you and your new intern.”

澳际广州分支 欧亚留学专家   凌晓丽老师


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