下飞机后要排队入关,这时候你要准备好你的护照以及之前填写好的入境卡;如果没有,下飞机后向人询问,寻求会说中文的工作人员的帮助: Excuse me, this is my first time in Australia, and I can't speak English at all. Could you please tell me that if there is any Chinese staff working here who can help me?
在排队入关的地方,会有两条队伍,一个是持澳洲护照的,一个是持别的国家的护照的。请跟着大部分的中国人,排在持有非澳洲护照的队伍里。轮到时,把护照、入境卡、返程的机票预定打印单,如果看海关工作人员开口和你说话了,就把这段话拿给他: Hello, my name is XXX. I come from China. This is my first time visiting Australia. Sorry I can't speak English at all, so my daughter/son wrote this for me. I come to Australia to visit my daughter/son who is working in Australia. I will stay here for 30 days.I will stay with my daughter/son at below address: xxx during my stay. Her name is XXX and contact mobile is XXXXXXX.You can also find my return ticket on XX of XX(返程日期)here.
If you have any questions, can I bother you to get someone who could speak Chinese to help me please?
Thank you!
6过完海关后,取行李...... 从入境敲章的地方到取行李有一段几分钟的路程,不要着急,跟着其他所有人走,大家都是同一个方向的;也可以抬头寻找行李提取(Luggage Claim)的招牌跟着走。到了之后,如果有好几个通道都在放行李,看看中间上面挂的小电视,上面会显示每趟航班行李的转盘号码。如果不清楚,就问问周围的中国人,或是用以下的话问问穿制服的工作人员: Excuse me, my name is XXX. I come from China. This is my first time visiting Australia. Sorry I can't speak English at all. Could you please tell me where to claim my luggage? My flight number is XXXXX, thank you.
取好行李后,就要入澳洲边境了,这时主要检查行李有没有有违禁物品。这一过程和入关差不多,因为没有物品申报,记住要走绿色(nothing to declare)通道;看看地面上会有绿色的通道,沿着绿色走就行。在排队的时候,会有边检工作人员向你再次索取入境卡和护照,主要看你有没有物品申报,这时给他们看这段英文: Hello, my name is XYZ. I come from China. This is my first time arriving Australia. Sorry I can't speak English at all, so my daughter/Son wrote this for me.I don't carry any prohibited items, such as food or medicine in my luggage, so I don't have things to declare. Can you show me which way I should go, please? Thanks.
If you have any questions, can I bother you to get someone who could speak Chinese to help me please?
8以下对话可能用得上,如果不会说,就指给澳洲人看(先是英文,后面是中文意思) Excuse me. I can't speak English. Could you please find a staff who can speak Chinese? Thank you very much. 对不起,我不会讲英语。你能找个会汉语的工作人员吗?非常感谢!
Excuse me. I don’t speak English. My flight is xxx from xx. Here are my ticket and boarding pass. Would you tell me where the Baggage Claim is? Thank you very much. 你好,我不会讲英语。我搭乘的航班是从xx来的xxx航班,这是我的机票和登机牌,请问我该到哪里去取我的托运行李呢?非常感谢!
How can I find a trolley? 我怎样才能找到个行李推车?
如果等到最后没取到行李(希望不会发生),可以去找工作人员问。他们会把你领到航空公司的服务柜台,这时可以使用以下的英语: Excuse me. I don’t speak English. Here are my ticket and boarding pass. I couldn’t find my check-in baggage. Could you please help me please? 你好,我不会讲英语。这是我的机票和登记牌。我没有找到我的托运行李, 请问您能帮我吗?
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