不发福利的老师不是好friends,口语part 1 遇到下面这个话题,so easy!让考官分分钟给你加分。
- Do you know how to cook?
I’m afraid not. I’m busy with my studies every day and I have no time to learn how to cook. But if I had the time, I would learn it from my mother. She is really good at cooking, especially cuisine.
- Do you like cooking?
Not really. Cooking is not my cup of tea. I think cooking is a waste of time since time is so precious today. I would rather eat in a restaurant instead of cooking a meal by myself.
- Have you thought about learning how to cook?
It has never crossed my mind. Cooking will be the last thing that I want to do cause I suppose it is time consuming and I’m busy with my school work now so I can’t afford the time.
- Do you think everyone should learn how to cook?
Not necessarily. Since there are tons of restaurants everywhere. You are able to choose whatever you like to eat instead of cooking a meal for myself. It is time saving and not very pricey as well.
- Do you eat at home or do you usually eat outside?
- I guess I usually eat in the canteen of my school. Sometimes when I can’t stand the food there. I would like to eat in the restaurant with my friends.
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