雅思话题 part 1 countryside

2017-09-30 作者: 1137阅读

给大家分享下雅思话题 part 1 countryside, 大家可以如何答,然后有些什么问题,以及给出的sample answer大家可以参考哦!
Topic  Countryside
Advantages & Disadvantages of both urban and rural life
Urban life
Big cities are overcrowded, so there are loads of people competing for each job and accommodation. People there often live a fast pace life. They are under great pressure. The air pollution is quite severe in big cities. People can be easily stuck in traffic jam.
Employment and educational opportunities are the main of urban centers. City life can be really colorful with abundant entertainment facilities there. Most big cities feature sophisticated transportation system.
Rural life
The villages and towns are very scenic. People can enjoy fresh air, easy tempo of life, tranquility, and also healthy organic food. You are more likely to have nice neighbors, and know each other well.
Few job opportunities are offered. Life sometimes is monotonous. The infrastructure is not as good as this in big cities. For example, there are no libraries and museums.


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